• How much do swimming lessons cost?
    Swimming lessons range in price depending on how many students, location and length of lesson. Most common lesson option are 5 days, 30-minute private lessons at $30.00 a lesson plus driving. This comes to around $150.00 for a set of lessons
  • What ages’ and abilities do you teach?
    I teach anywhere between 6 months and 65 years of age. I am skilled with all abilities.
  • What time do you teach?
    I teach 9 am – 6 pm Monday through Friday in June. In July and August, I teach 8 am – 8 pm on Mondays and Thursdays and Friday mornings from 8-12 pm. I do not teach on weekends, statutory holidays or once school starts.
  • Do you teach different levels in the same class?
    I do, however I have some regulations. I will only teach different levels if they can do independent learning and swimming or if I have additional hands in the pool (volunteer).
  • How often should my kids swim?
    I would recommend that kids in lessons do a full 5 to 10 days back to back or twice a week to see the best results.
  • Can you teach different levels in the same class?
    I can teach different levels in the same class so long as the students can touch in the shallow end.
  • What lesson duration is right for us?
    Typically I recommend: – 15-20 minutes for 1-4 years old. – 30 minutes for 5-10 years of age. – 45 minutes 10-13 years of age. – 1 hour for 14- 15 years old. Adult swim lessons are 30 minutes or 1 hour Lifeguard training is 45-1 hour long sessions If your child has special needs or learning disabilities, I recommend a 20-30 minute lesson.
  • What if I do not know my child’s level?
    I have a couple of options for this: – schedule a Zoom call to discuss your child, their comfort in the water and the skills they have. – book a lessons assessment for your children before starting swimming lessons. – use your first lessons for assessment and setting a plan.
  • What do I need to bring to lessons?
    Bathing suit, towel, water bottle, and a good attitude. – you may also want or need to bring: goggles, earplugs, teethers etc. If the pool is your own, it is recommended that at least for practice time, you have: lifejackets, flippers, kickboards, noodles, and dive toys.
  • Are lessons ever cancelled?
    Yes, there are a variety of reasons your instructor may cancel lessons: – Lightening, pouring rain, or extreme cold are reasons for lesson cancellation. Lightening is an automatic safety issue; even if lessons are in progress, the teacher has the right to remove the students. Pouring rain is not conducive to a learning environment, and extreme cold for a similar reasoning. – Pool temperature is below 78 – Instructor is sick, or there is an emergency – the pool is improperly cleaned and presents a hazard to learning or health. With the above scenarios, it is up to the instructor whether rescheduling is possible. Pool temperature and pool cleaning are the homeowners’ responsibility, no refund is issued, and rescheduling is only possible if changes are made.
  • How warm should the pool be?
    At Lauren Blakemore Aquatics, it is our understanding that learning can not be accomplished if the pool temperature is below 80 (Children). For this reason, if the pool is below 80, it is up to the instructor if they will be doing or completing lessons. It is recommended that parents consider this before booking lessons, as this is a non-refundable issue. Most children learn best when the water is between 83-86 degrees. The water recommendation is 78-80 degrees if you are training or doing fitness.
  • Do you teach in public pools?
    The short answer is no. I do not have insurance that covers my teaching at a public pool. I will, however, do swim assessments, lifeguarding and swim instructing practice (lengths) and some supervised training.
  • Can I watch my child’s lesson?
    I typically recommend that parents refrain from watching their child’s lesson. More often than not, children who can do their lesson one-on-one with the instructor learn faster, adapt better, and learn skills differently. Parent feedback during lessons is no ok, and the instructor has the right to ask the parent to leave the pool side if necessary.
  • Do you teach Adults?
    Yes, I do. Please see my list of programs.
  • Do I need to be in the water if my child is under the age of three?
    No. Parent and tot classes are not for everyone, and that is ok. Infant Safety Swim lessons are designed for families that wish to have their young ones learn safety skills without involvement.
  • Do you offer report cards?
    I verbally review and give feedback during and after lesson sets to all families. However, I will not provide written feedback to families unless requested and willing to pay for the service fee.
  • How many lessons will it take to learn to swim?
    This is up to the individual; therefore, we do not promise that a certain number of lessons will equal a swimmer. However, children who progress through Lauren Blakemore Aquatics typically learn double to triple the amount they would in a shorter time.
  • How many students per swim instructor?
    Depends on age and abilities, but for students that can touch in the shallow end, a max of 4.
  • Where can I find the forms I need for lessons?
    The forms are sent in a registration email, but can also be found on the Investment page
  • What age can my child start lessons?
    Children can start as young as six months old. However my typical age range is 2-10 years
  • What happens if we can not make lessons?
    Alert your instructor 24 hours before the lesson, or you will not receive a refund. Illness and emergencies are different and handled on a case-by-case basis.
  • What happens if we need to cancel a full set.
    Please try to do so a week in advance or 24 hours before the first lesson. Otherwise late cancelation fee’s will apply.
  • Should we eat before lessons?
    Please do not eat or feed your child 20 minutes prior to starting a lesson and no big means within 30 minutes of the start of the lesson.
  • Do you teach children with special needs?
    Yes. Please alert your instructor to this so they can develop lessons that are more designed to your child’s needs.

Lessons are canceled for a variety of reasons including weather, health issues, safety and more. Please review my policies in full on my Policies and Procedures Page