Level 1: Age 1-2 years

Students learn to roll onto their back (Assisted and transitioning away from assistance) and float on his back, bubbles, and resurface after jumping in (Assisted).  

Level 2: Age 2 to 3 Years

Students learn to float both on their front and back, roll over in deep water, and swim to the edge and climb out. Unassisted floats will be encouraged by end of lessons

Level 3: Age 3 to 4 years

Students will learn to float on their back after resurfacing, jumping into deep water, swimming 5-10 meters. Students will also learn self-resuce techniques like swimming and rolling over when tired.

Infant Safety Swim Lessons

Enjoy the comfort of knowing your kids are safe!

Infant Safety Swim Lesson allow you to have piece of mind regarding the safety of your children and allow your child to have conference in and around the water.

Water Safety

Looking after your kids, also means starting now, here are some ways that are recommended. 

Effective Suppervision

The best line of defence in protecting our children is through adult supervision.

Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons particularly Infant Safety Swim Lessons give a layer of added protection. 

Pool Fences and Alarms

Installing fences and alarms alert you to any potential problems and protect children from wandering too close to the pool. 


If and when problems occur, it is important that parents and guardians know CPR. Being prepared is important and by learning CPR families and children are protected.